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Jul 25, 2011

Weekend running stuff.....

Rest day today.  Yeah!


This weekend I did a couple things related to running(surprise, surprise).  First, I bought a new shelf to install in our laundry room so that I can store all my running/biking crap in one place.  I was starting to take over our dining room and, really, who wants to see running crap when you walk into the house?  So this little project, which took be about 15 minutes, is a little on my nerdy running side and also my cleanliness side since I hate stuff lying around all over the house.  Here a picture of my final product:

Geeky but clean!
I put a shelf in and I also installed a 6 hook hanging rack below it to let stuff dry out after my run/bike.  I sure do have a lot of crap, huh?  I like having everything in one place set up the night before so I don't forget anything at 5am and so I don't disturb anyone in the house.

The second thing I did this weekend was stopped by by local running shop, Hanson's in Utica.  I'm sure most of you have seen Hanson's/Brooks runners in some of the biggest marathon's in the country.  Does Desiree Davila, runner up for the Boston marathon sound familiar?  She's a Hanson's Brooks Runner.  Unfortunately, she was not at the Hanson's store but they were having a Hanson's/Brooks promotion.  It was called the Brooks Run Happy Cavalcade of Curiosities.

Brooks had their bus there showing off their shoes.  You could actually try on shoes and run on one of two treadmills that were on the second level of the bus.  I wish I had brought my camera to show it to you.  Here's a picture from Brooks website.  This was what the bus looked like on the side:

They were also doing a giveaway as well.  When you signed up, you got a chance to win a bumper sticker, a pair of headphones, a hat or a T-shirt.  We(I dragged the family there too) won two hats and two bumper stickers.  Here's what they look like:

A little hot for this now but when winter comes, great!

Yup, that's me
They also had a dunk tank and we were able to try dunking one of the Hansons runners.  Since it was 92 degrees out, it seemed like a good thing to do but neither my son or I were able to get them dunked.  After that, we went in the store to check things out.  They had 20% off all brooks shoes but I'm not in the market for shoes now, so we passed on the sale.  It was fun checking out everything though.

Question of the day?  Does your local running store do promotions like this?

Have a great day and.....Keep Running!!!!


  1. I did the gait analysis at the Gopher the Gold race. They had the bus there. I won a T-shirt and gave it to a little kid......

  2. I love the shelf you installed! Perfect! Right now, on my computer desk, I have my spibelt, my ipod/earbuds, RoadID just sitting here, taking up space. I will have to harass my husband to set me up something like you have!

  3. I love that shelf idea! Too bad I don't have a laundry room to do that...maybe my guest room.

    My local running store is trying to start up stuff like that. That's so cool! Love your winnings!

  4. The shelf is a great idea. Good job! And I love, love, love Brooks. That hat is GREAT!!!

  5. That's pretty cool that they did that. One of our local stores had a deal after the marathon last year to come in and have your medal engraved for $5 and get a goodie bag worth like $25. It was pretty good. The other store right by us sucks ass. lol.

  6. Great job on the shelf! It looks nice!! That's great that you won stuff! Fun! I don't know if my LRS does stuff like that. I should check!

  7. The Brooks Bus will be in town Wednesday. I will be there.

  8. Love the shelf. I have something similar. Although, I don't think you have too much gear, esp when you are talking running and biking.

  9. Ken - I didn't know they were there too!

    Tahoegirl - that's great. It was fun.

    Suzy - not too much; I know I could have more especially if money were no object :)
