Hi everyone!
10 miles on the bike today. I'm really liking the bike especially when it's the day after my long runs. It's a nice recovery workout. I used the Sony headphones I blogged about the other day. Will talk about it when I post my review.
I wanted to give a shout out for a fellow blogger, Mrs. Hacker over at the Hacker Half Marathon. She's been posting some interesting running stuff and better yet, she's from Michigan. A great State in my humble opinion. So, please check out her Blog and follow along if you're looking for another running blog to follow. Plus, you're all probably sick of what I have to say. :)
I personally find it very inspiring to see runners go through the training process and I learn from each and everyone of you. My goal is to meet more of you in person. It's nice to have the support of all of you out there online but human interaction is also nice.
Also, for those of you participating in the Virtual 5k. Please email me with your times as you finish your run. You can e-mail me directly at detroitrunner(at)gmail.com or you can post a comment on my most recent post. Again, good luck everyone!
Question of the day. What's your favorite pre-race(half marathon or longer) meal?
Have a great day and.......Keep Running!!!!
Be sure to add your blog to my blog list -- Click HERE or blog list above to add your blog!
Feb 28, 2011
Feb 27, 2011
Marathon training and the taper
12 miles today. This is the longest run I have done since training for my half marathon back in October. Actually it's the longest run I have done(all running) besides my half. Of course, I am much stronger than last year. I don't feel like I have to sit around all day afterwards which is nice. Today's run was run out at Stoney Creek Metropark. Two loops around the lake. I ran it with my running buddy Trieu. He keep me at a pretty good pace, probably faster than I would have run it alone but all is good. Also, a nice surprise, I finally met Ken over at Eastside Stoney Creek TNT Runner. If you have not checked out his blog, please do. He was there helping some of his runners prepare for their races. Ken is actually the first blogger I have met in person. I wish I would have had my camera. Oh well, perhaps next weekend I can get a picture.
Been thinking about ordering some bumper stickers or car magnets - What do you think? Seem too boring? Just a thought.
As I go through the marathon training process, I was wondering what others do during their training when it comes to races prior to the marathon. I am in a race on March 20th and also April 30th, both of which are half marathons. My plan was to do a mini taper - two days rest before the race and one day rest after(two if I think I need it). This is because I'm going to basically run them as training runs but I know better than this. Once I get there, my competitive spirits take over and I'll probably go out faster than I should be. BUT - I don't plan to race it. Some would probably say there should not be a taper then because you don't taper for a long run, right? I'm just trying to train smart so I don't hurt myself.
Also, I'm not sure I want to do another marathon again - at least I'm having some doubts - unless it's NYC which is my dream race. If you have not read the book, "A race like no other" you should read it. You will want to do NYC after you read it, I guarantee it. I have not stopped thinking about NYC since I read that book almost two years ago.
I really like the half marathon distance but I'm not sure I'm liking all this training for the full. And I probably am not doing 1/2 to 3/4 of what many of you do to get ready for a marathon. This is the scary part. I guess one nice thing with training for the full is that the half seems much easier. Even my 12 miler today was relatively easy. I never would have said that last year. I think part if this worry is reading some of the other blogs - there sure are a LOT of runners on blogs that are hurt. While I love running, I'm don't want to hurt myself into not running any longer. This is one reason I like the half training. It doesn't kill your legs. Of course, I wouldn't have said that last year when I trained for the half. Haha! Just stupid doubts. Just goes to show you how mental the sport of running really is. I have to get these negative thoughts out of my mind and just keep running!!
What do you think? Taper or no taper if you are doing a race as a training run?
Have a great day and......Keep Running!!
Been thinking about ordering some bumper stickers or car magnets - What do you think? Seem too boring? Just a thought.
As I go through the marathon training process, I was wondering what others do during their training when it comes to races prior to the marathon. I am in a race on March 20th and also April 30th, both of which are half marathons. My plan was to do a mini taper - two days rest before the race and one day rest after(two if I think I need it). This is because I'm going to basically run them as training runs but I know better than this. Once I get there, my competitive spirits take over and I'll probably go out faster than I should be. BUT - I don't plan to race it. Some would probably say there should not be a taper then because you don't taper for a long run, right? I'm just trying to train smart so I don't hurt myself.
Also, I'm not sure I want to do another marathon again - at least I'm having some doubts - unless it's NYC which is my dream race. If you have not read the book, "A race like no other" you should read it. You will want to do NYC after you read it, I guarantee it. I have not stopped thinking about NYC since I read that book almost two years ago.
I really like the half marathon distance but I'm not sure I'm liking all this training for the full. And I probably am not doing 1/2 to 3/4 of what many of you do to get ready for a marathon. This is the scary part. I guess one nice thing with training for the full is that the half seems much easier. Even my 12 miler today was relatively easy. I never would have said that last year. I think part if this worry is reading some of the other blogs - there sure are a LOT of runners on blogs that are hurt. While I love running, I'm don't want to hurt myself into not running any longer. This is one reason I like the half training. It doesn't kill your legs. Of course, I wouldn't have said that last year when I trained for the half. Haha! Just stupid doubts. Just goes to show you how mental the sport of running really is. I have to get these negative thoughts out of my mind and just keep running!!
What do you think? Taper or no taper if you are doing a race as a training run?
Have a great day and......Keep Running!!
Feb 26, 2011
Look what I got in the mail!
Rest Day today. Yeah!!!!
We have 64 signed up for the Virtual Race. I gave a deadline of yesterday at 9pm but I posted the deadline after that. Sorry. I'll give everyone until 5pm today to join the race. Thanks everyone!!
In other news - look what I got in the mail yesterday from Sony!!!!!
Sony was kind enough to send me one of their new Sony Walkman MP3 players to review. I'm going to play around with it over the next week or two and do a complete review on it but I thought I would give you a teaser.
I'm also going to have a contest to give two of these bad boys away to two of my lucky readers courtesy of Sony!!! Is that awesome or what!!! Here's a preview of what's to come. I'll let you know details on the contest when I post the review.
Have a great day and.......Keep Running!!!!
We have 64 signed up for the Virtual Race. I gave a deadline of yesterday at 9pm but I posted the deadline after that. Sorry. I'll give everyone until 5pm today to join the race. Thanks everyone!!
In other news - look what I got in the mail yesterday from Sony!!!!!
Sony was kind enough to send me one of their new Sony Walkman MP3 players to review. I'm going to play around with it over the next week or two and do a complete review on it but I thought I would give you a teaser.
I'm also going to have a contest to give two of these bad boys away to two of my lucky readers courtesy of Sony!!! Is that awesome or what!!! Here's a preview of what's to come. I'll let you know details on the contest when I post the review.
Have a great day and.......Keep Running!!!!
Feb 25, 2011
Virtual 5k entrants - make sure your in!
Hi everyone:
Here is the list of people who are signed up for the Virtual 5k - 63 people so far! If you still want to join us, please let me know by Friday at 9pm. Send me an e-mail at detroitrunner(at)gmail.com. That's my deadline since I'm allowing runners to run their virtual 5k starting on Saturday and going until two weeks from Saturday with the actual race on March 5th. If you can do it that day great, but as I have said, it can be up to one week before and one week after. Please also e-mail me after you do the 5k so I have your time even though the prizes will be given randomly. Pictures would be great if you have them!!! If you see information that is incorrect, please let me know. Just click on the page to make it bigger.
So this is it, check out the Map. Here's the States we will have represented for the race. Pretty good coverage I think. We also have three runners from South Africa, Italy and Malaysia.
Have a great day and......Keep Running!!!!!
Here is the list of people who are signed up for the Virtual 5k - 63 people so far! If you still want to join us, please let me know by Friday at 9pm. Send me an e-mail at detroitrunner(at)gmail.com. That's my deadline since I'm allowing runners to run their virtual 5k starting on Saturday and going until two weeks from Saturday with the actual race on March 5th. If you can do it that day great, but as I have said, it can be up to one week before and one week after. Please also e-mail me after you do the 5k so I have your time even though the prizes will be given randomly. Pictures would be great if you have them!!! If you see information that is incorrect, please let me know. Just click on the page to make it bigger.
Have a great day and......Keep Running!!!!!
Road ID Review - great products
Road ID was generous enough to provide two $15 coupons for one of their products to be used as prizes for the "I just felt like Running" Virtual 5k. You can see all their products on www.roadid.com. They really have a great website that is easy to use. I have had my RoadID since I started running about 20 months ago. Here's a picture of it:
You can get the original with the sports strap(which I think is very comfortable) or you can get a Elite strap. I have heard that is also very comfortable. You don't even know that you have it on your wrist. Of course, the metal Sport ID has my information on it so I have it twisted so you crazies will not stalk me but you get the point. Here's a few pictures of what it looks like on my wrist.
Now, there is really one main reason to wear this. If you get hurt, by a car, fall off your bike, collapse while running, etc. Someone who finds you or helps you will have an idea who you are and can call your family member who is showing on the ID bracelet. It's an invaluable tool and I think everyone would agree with me on that. The strap is washable(because it will get stinky). The product is made very well and will likely last as long as you live at your home. Ok, maybe not that long but a really long time.
In addition to my RoadID, I also purchased a Firefly Supernova from them as well. What is that? It's a really light, really bright flashing or solid light. I purchased a red one and I use it whenever I run in the dark so cars can see me coming(or going). It's also an invaluable safety tool when running in the dark and because it is really light, I attach it onto my SPIbelt or my SPIbelt waterbottle. Of course, you can also get a wrist strap for that as well and I did buy one but really did not use it. I like it on the bottle or the belt better. Here are a few pictures of it.
Depending on how you put the battery in, it will stay a solid color or it will flash. I usually use my as flashing. I've used it all winter with no issues with batteries. I'm sure because I'm not running hours on end in the morning run, it will last a long time. The product is also made really well too.
So, if you are running, and you don't have at least a RoadID, go to their website and order one immediately. Your life may depend on it. I don't run without it and neither should you.
Tomorrow, I will have the listing of everyone signed up for the 5k for you to review.
Have a great day and......Keep Running!
I have the original with the Sport Strap |
You can get the original with the sports strap(which I think is very comfortable) or you can get a Elite strap. I have heard that is also very comfortable. You don't even know that you have it on your wrist. Of course, the metal Sport ID has my information on it so I have it twisted so you crazies will not stalk me but you get the point. Here's a few pictures of what it looks like on my wrist.
Now, there is really one main reason to wear this. If you get hurt, by a car, fall off your bike, collapse while running, etc. Someone who finds you or helps you will have an idea who you are and can call your family member who is showing on the ID bracelet. It's an invaluable tool and I think everyone would agree with me on that. The strap is washable(because it will get stinky). The product is made very well and will likely last as long as you live at your home. Ok, maybe not that long but a really long time.
In addition to my RoadID, I also purchased a Firefly Supernova from them as well. What is that? It's a really light, really bright flashing or solid light. I purchased a red one and I use it whenever I run in the dark so cars can see me coming(or going). It's also an invaluable safety tool when running in the dark and because it is really light, I attach it onto my SPIbelt or my SPIbelt waterbottle. Of course, you can also get a wrist strap for that as well and I did buy one but really did not use it. I like it on the bottle or the belt better. Here are a few pictures of it.
It has a great clip so it will not come off |
Depending on how you put the battery in, it will stay a solid color or it will flash. I usually use my as flashing. I've used it all winter with no issues with batteries. I'm sure because I'm not running hours on end in the morning run, it will last a long time. The product is also made really well too.
So, if you are running, and you don't have at least a RoadID, go to their website and order one immediately. Your life may depend on it. I don't run without it and neither should you.
Tomorrow, I will have the listing of everyone signed up for the 5k for you to review.
Have a great day and......Keep Running!
Feb 24, 2011
Detroit Runner on SPIbelt Facebook Page / Bucket list
Ran 3.1 today. Also worked out with the Bowflex. Still on the treadmill. Got another inch or so of snow and we're expecting another 1-7 inches tomorrow. Nice. That's three days in a row and the weather is not looking good to get out there again until Sunday. I'm hoping to be able to run my 12 mile long run outside on Sunday depending on weather. I can't imagine doing 12 on the mill but if that's what I have to do, that's what I'll do.(But please wish for no snow/rain)
I want to thank SPIbelt for spreading the word about the Virtual 5k. SPIbelt was very generous to include a post on their facebook page yesterday telling people about the race so hopefully we will get more to join us. Please go to their facebook page and check it out and also "like" their page. What a great company and products!
"I just felt like running" Virtual 5k. Come on guys!!! Just a reminder that the Virtual 5k is only nine days away but you can also run it a week before(which is in two days) or a week after as well. I will be giving out some awesome prizes including two SPIbelt's(sweet!), two coupons for road ID's(awesome!) and the "Extreme Running" book. Click here if you wish to enter the race. Tomorrow I will post a complete list of who I have in the race so you can make sure you're in it to be eligible for the prizes. You just need to follow my blog and let me know you're in to join us!!!
If you have an interest in being at the actual race, which will be at Stoney Creek Metropark on March 5th at 9:00am, please e-mail me at detroitrunner(at)gmail.com so I can bring some refreshments for anyone that would like to join me for the run. Ken over at Eastside Stoney Creek TNT Coach Ken also offered to help on refreshments as well. Thanks Ken! I'd like to do six miles that day(one loop around the lake) but you don't have to do that much if you join us.
I was thinking what I want to do for the rest of my life and the bucket list. Do you have one? Not that I have anything formal but here's some of what I would like to do -
- Run a marathon - To be checked off in May
- Travel to Hawaii
- Travel to Europe
- Take a cruise through the Panama Canal
- Become the top producer in my current company
- Jump out of a plane(yeah right, I don't think so)
- Spend the weekend on a deserted island; not Gilligan's island type but something with a luxurious hut :)
- Run New York City Marathon - regardless of how much I'm hurting in May, I want to do this one.
- Run an obstacle course - doing Warrior Dash this summer(this is also on a friend's bucket list)
- Run a 5 minute mile(not likely but I can dream)
- Enjoy life(I know this is general but I have to work more on this)
- Learn how to ride a motorcycle; I don't want to own one but it would be fun to learn how
- Volunteer for a race
- Meet the President(any President would do)
- Drive across the country seeing the USA
- Sign up for a triathlon
- Become an Ironman
- Write a book
- Own a business; I have some ideas but will not share them here
- Win a race - any race would do; perhaps if I could run a 5 minute mile, I could do both at the same time!
- Buy a SPIbelt and RoadID - Check and check, this one's done!!
I'm sure there are more but this was just from a quick thought about it.
What's on your bucket list?
Have a great day and.......Keep Running!
I want to thank SPIbelt for spreading the word about the Virtual 5k. SPIbelt was very generous to include a post on their facebook page yesterday telling people about the race so hopefully we will get more to join us. Please go to their facebook page and check it out and also "like" their page. What a great company and products!
"I just felt like running" Virtual 5k. Come on guys!!! Just a reminder that the Virtual 5k is only nine days away but you can also run it a week before(which is in two days) or a week after as well. I will be giving out some awesome prizes including two SPIbelt's(sweet!), two coupons for road ID's(awesome!) and the "Extreme Running" book. Click here if you wish to enter the race. Tomorrow I will post a complete list of who I have in the race so you can make sure you're in it to be eligible for the prizes. You just need to follow my blog and let me know you're in to join us!!!
If you have an interest in being at the actual race, which will be at Stoney Creek Metropark on March 5th at 9:00am, please e-mail me at detroitrunner(at)gmail.com so I can bring some refreshments for anyone that would like to join me for the run. Ken over at Eastside Stoney Creek TNT Coach Ken also offered to help on refreshments as well. Thanks Ken! I'd like to do six miles that day(one loop around the lake) but you don't have to do that much if you join us.
I was thinking what I want to do for the rest of my life and the bucket list. Do you have one? Not that I have anything formal but here's some of what I would like to do -
- Run a marathon - To be checked off in May
- Travel to Hawaii
- Travel to Europe
- Take a cruise through the Panama Canal
- Become the top producer in my current company
- Jump out of a plane(yeah right, I don't think so)
- Spend the weekend on a deserted island; not Gilligan's island type but something with a luxurious hut :)
- Run New York City Marathon - regardless of how much I'm hurting in May, I want to do this one.
- Run an obstacle course - doing Warrior Dash this summer(this is also on a friend's bucket list)
- Run a 5 minute mile(not likely but I can dream)
- Enjoy life(I know this is general but I have to work more on this)
- Learn how to ride a motorcycle; I don't want to own one but it would be fun to learn how
- Volunteer for a race
- Meet the President(any President would do)
- Drive across the country seeing the USA
- Sign up for a triathlon
- Become an Ironman
- Write a book
- Own a business; I have some ideas but will not share them here
- Win a race - any race would do; perhaps if I could run a 5 minute mile, I could do both at the same time!
- Buy a SPIbelt and RoadID - Check and check, this one's done!!
I'm sure there are more but this was just from a quick thought about it.
What's on your bucket list?
Have a great day and.......Keep Running!
Feb 23, 2011
SPIbelt review
As many of you have signed up for my Virtual 5k know, I will be giving away two SPIbelt's for prizes as well as some other items. This is being done through the generosity of SPIbelt in donating these two items. I offered to do a review of the SPIbelt in exchange for them giving these items away as prizes which I think was very generous of them.
For those of you that don't know, SPIbelt stands for Small Personal Item belt. You can look at their website here. While I only agreed to do a review on the SPIbelt, I also own two other products that they sell so I will mention these items as well.
First, I think most of you will agree that having a belt to hold various things is essential in long distance(and even short distance) running. Also, most people want something that is comfortable and does not bounce when you are running. Plus, if you are like me and cheap, you want something that is really good quality that is going to last a long time. SPIbelt is the ticket! The concept of the SPIbelt is great. The SPIbelt is made from a stretchy material that allows the user to put so much stuff in it even though the original size is very small. I mean, this thing will hold tons of stuff. Sorry, I'm not that great of a photographer but you can see better pictures on their website.
You can see how small this thing is from the photo but don't let that fool you. This thing really stretches to hold what you want. Here's a couple before and after pictures to show you how much this holds.
I have the basic black SPIbelt. The belt is very comfortable to wear. When you are running, you don't even know that it's there IF you put it on properly. The website has directors to show you how to put it on. The belt must reside below the waist. This is essential in order for it to not bounce. I personally like to wear mine a little on the tight side but you don't have to wear it that way.
For me, and for most of you, you will use this to run with. It will hold your cell phone, keys, credit cards, cash, ID, gels, aspirin - really anything that you can think of that you will need for running. It's not only for running though. This is great for going out somewhere and you don't want to bring your purse(ladies) or if you need to carry insulin all the time, it's great for that as well. There are many uses for it on a day to day basis. I just happen to use my solely for running. Also, you don't have to get just black. They have so many colors there's almost too many choices! Because the SPIbelt is so inexpensive($19.95), you can also afford to purchase more than one if you want to color coordinate it with your running outfit. I'm a guy so black works just fine for me.
In addition to the belt, I also purchased two toggles. The toggles go around the belt and are used to hold your race number in place. At first, I thought, this is not going to work out well since you are only putting the toggles through the top two holes in the race number. I figured the race number would be flying all over the place but I was wrong. You attach the toggles and then lace through the race number and that's it. It does not move and again, you do not realize it's there. For me that is essential. I don't want to have something around my waist that I can feel for the entire run. Can you imagine running 26 miles with the thing bouncing all over the place? It would drive you crazy. Here's a picture of me after a race showing my number tied to the SPIbelt.
Another item I purchased was a water bottle with a smaller version of the SPIbelt built into the handle. I always run with a water bottle so I thought what a great combination using the bottle and the SPIbelt together. The bottle probably holds at least 20 oz. of water. As far as the SPIbelt handle, it works the same way as the original SPIbelt but just a little smaller. It will hold a cell phone and ID, cash, gel, etc. but really my cell phone is kind of a stretch(blackberry). If you have a smaller cell phone, it will work great. Or if you want to carry your phone and it's larger, I suggest the original SPIbelt as it holds that just fine. I don't carry my cell phone on every run so the bottle works out great. Another great thing about this is it's very comfortable to hold so you don't notice your holding it. For those of you that don't carry a water bottle, once you get used to carrying one, you don't realize you are holding it but it does take some getting used to. The only issue I have with the bottle is the plastic top. The part where you put your mouth is really hard plastic instead of rubber. It's not as comfortable as some of the other bottles out on the market. Besides this issue, I love the bottle with the SPIbelt. Here's a picture of mine.
There are also many other products that would fit your needs on their website as well so please check them out at www.spibelt.com or search for them on Facebook and like their page. If you don't win one of the belts I give away for the virtual 5k, I hope you will consider purchasing a SPIbelt online or when they visit your next marathon expo. You will not regret your purchase.
Have a great day and......Keep Running
For those of you that don't know, SPIbelt stands for Small Personal Item belt. You can look at their website here. While I only agreed to do a review on the SPIbelt, I also own two other products that they sell so I will mention these items as well.
First, I think most of you will agree that having a belt to hold various things is essential in long distance(and even short distance) running. Also, most people want something that is comfortable and does not bounce when you are running. Plus, if you are like me and cheap, you want something that is really good quality that is going to last a long time. SPIbelt is the ticket! The concept of the SPIbelt is great. The SPIbelt is made from a stretchy material that allows the user to put so much stuff in it even though the original size is very small. I mean, this thing will hold tons of stuff. Sorry, I'm not that great of a photographer but you can see better pictures on their website.
You can see how small this thing is from the photo but don't let that fool you. This thing really stretches to hold what you want. Here's a couple before and after pictures to show you how much this holds.
All this stuff fit in. It does not look like much but that is a blackberry so it's big! |
After and this would hold more if you wanted! |
I have the basic black SPIbelt. The belt is very comfortable to wear. When you are running, you don't even know that it's there IF you put it on properly. The website has directors to show you how to put it on. The belt must reside below the waist. This is essential in order for it to not bounce. I personally like to wear mine a little on the tight side but you don't have to wear it that way.
For me, and for most of you, you will use this to run with. It will hold your cell phone, keys, credit cards, cash, ID, gels, aspirin - really anything that you can think of that you will need for running. It's not only for running though. This is great for going out somewhere and you don't want to bring your purse(ladies) or if you need to carry insulin all the time, it's great for that as well. There are many uses for it on a day to day basis. I just happen to use my solely for running. Also, you don't have to get just black. They have so many colors there's almost too many choices! Because the SPIbelt is so inexpensive($19.95), you can also afford to purchase more than one if you want to color coordinate it with your running outfit. I'm a guy so black works just fine for me.
In addition to the belt, I also purchased two toggles. The toggles go around the belt and are used to hold your race number in place. At first, I thought, this is not going to work out well since you are only putting the toggles through the top two holes in the race number. I figured the race number would be flying all over the place but I was wrong. You attach the toggles and then lace through the race number and that's it. It does not move and again, you do not realize it's there. For me that is essential. I don't want to have something around my waist that I can feel for the entire run. Can you imagine running 26 miles with the thing bouncing all over the place? It would drive you crazy. Here's a picture of me after a race showing my number tied to the SPIbelt.
Another item I purchased was a water bottle with a smaller version of the SPIbelt built into the handle. I always run with a water bottle so I thought what a great combination using the bottle and the SPIbelt together. The bottle probably holds at least 20 oz. of water. As far as the SPIbelt handle, it works the same way as the original SPIbelt but just a little smaller. It will hold a cell phone and ID, cash, gel, etc. but really my cell phone is kind of a stretch(blackberry). If you have a smaller cell phone, it will work great. Or if you want to carry your phone and it's larger, I suggest the original SPIbelt as it holds that just fine. I don't carry my cell phone on every run so the bottle works out great. Another great thing about this is it's very comfortable to hold so you don't notice your holding it. For those of you that don't carry a water bottle, once you get used to carrying one, you don't realize you are holding it but it does take some getting used to. The only issue I have with the bottle is the plastic top. The part where you put your mouth is really hard plastic instead of rubber. It's not as comfortable as some of the other bottles out on the market. Besides this issue, I love the bottle with the SPIbelt. Here's a picture of mine.
There are also many other products that would fit your needs on their website as well so please check them out at www.spibelt.com or search for them on Facebook and like their page. If you don't win one of the belts I give away for the virtual 5k, I hope you will consider purchasing a SPIbelt online or when they visit your next marathon expo. You will not regret your purchase.
Have a great day and......Keep Running
Feb 22, 2011
Lot's of snow - We are in Michigan
3 miles today on the dreadmill because of this stinken' white stuff and it's crazy cold out too!
So on Sunday, we went from all the snow melted to 6-12 inches depending on where you live. My area was 8.5 inches according to the weatherman but I would say closer to 12. Here's a picture of what we got:
Seriously, do we really need anymore snow? I'm ready to pack it up and move to Florida, Arizona or California. Anyone have a spare room? I only need it until about mid April. LOL.
By the way, we have 11 days until the "I just felt like Running" Virtual 5k. Remember, if you want, you can run this up to a week before or a week after which means you can run it this weekend if you wish. For details and to sign up if you have not, go here. I'm hoping for a little better weather by that time. I can't wait to give out the great prizes - SPIbelts, RoadID certificates and a running book!
For those of you that don't have .blogspot.com on your blog address, what's the advantage to this? I've been thinking of changing to this just so I have my own domain but I'm trying to see the benefit of it.
Have a great day and......Keep Running!!!!
So on Sunday, we went from all the snow melted to 6-12 inches depending on where you live. My area was 8.5 inches according to the weatherman but I would say closer to 12. Here's a picture of what we got:
Seriously, do we really need anymore snow? I'm ready to pack it up and move to Florida, Arizona or California. Anyone have a spare room? I only need it until about mid April. LOL.
By the way, we have 11 days until the "I just felt like Running" Virtual 5k. Remember, if you want, you can run this up to a week before or a week after which means you can run it this weekend if you wish. For details and to sign up if you have not, go here. I'm hoping for a little better weather by that time. I can't wait to give out the great prizes - SPIbelts, RoadID certificates and a running book!
For those of you that don't have .blogspot.com on your blog address, what's the advantage to this? I've been thinking of changing to this just so I have my own domain but I'm trying to see the benefit of it.
Have a great day and......Keep Running!!!!
Feb 21, 2011
First off I want to thank all my followers. Wow - 127 people. When I first started this blog, I didn't know anything about blogging and figured nobody would care to hear me talk about my running. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening to me each and every day. I really appreciate it!
11 miles on the bike today. That sure felt a lot easier than running. Oh yeah, that's because it is! It's also easier because I am fortunate enough to have today off. Thank you Mr. President!! Plus we got a snowstorm yesterday with ice as well so I would have had to use the treadmill anyway so I'm glad today is my cross train day.
Well, I signed up for that crazy race I posted about yesterday, the Warrior Dash. I originally wanted to sign up for Saturday but I waited too long so I'll be doing it on Sunday at 10:30am which is fine since it's the second wave to go off that day. I'm freakin' out about it but it will be a blast. I convinced a friend to do this as well and I can tell she is freakin' also. You get insanely dirty!!!!!! I can't wait for it.
Three weeks until my first 5k of the year - Detroit Corktown 5k. Also, four weeks until my first half marathon of the year, CF Rocks on Grosse Ile, MI. I can't wait for both races. It's shaping up to be a fantastic race year. I've pretty much got a race a month until October except for June. I decided to not sign up for another race in July in order to do the Warrior Dash especially since this one is so expensive.
There is a race that I have my eye on in June that I did last year called the Solstice Run 10 mile but it's three weeks after my marathon. I'm not sure I would be up for it because it's very hilly. I think what I'm going to do is volunteer for a race that month(maybe that one). I've never volunteered for a race before and I always appreciate all the volunteers when I'm at these races so it's time to give back some time to help out a race.
Have you ever volunteered for a race? What was your experience like?
Have a great day and......Keep Running!
11 miles on the bike today. That sure felt a lot easier than running. Oh yeah, that's because it is! It's also easier because I am fortunate enough to have today off. Thank you Mr. President!! Plus we got a snowstorm yesterday with ice as well so I would have had to use the treadmill anyway so I'm glad today is my cross train day.
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Thanks for the day off! |
Well, I signed up for that crazy race I posted about yesterday, the Warrior Dash. I originally wanted to sign up for Saturday but I waited too long so I'll be doing it on Sunday at 10:30am which is fine since it's the second wave to go off that day. I'm freakin' out about it but it will be a blast. I convinced a friend to do this as well and I can tell she is freakin' also. You get insanely dirty!!!!!! I can't wait for it.
Three weeks until my first 5k of the year - Detroit Corktown 5k. Also, four weeks until my first half marathon of the year, CF Rocks on Grosse Ile, MI. I can't wait for both races. It's shaping up to be a fantastic race year. I've pretty much got a race a month until October except for June. I decided to not sign up for another race in July in order to do the Warrior Dash especially since this one is so expensive.
There is a race that I have my eye on in June that I did last year called the Solstice Run 10 mile but it's three weeks after my marathon. I'm not sure I would be up for it because it's very hilly. I think what I'm going to do is volunteer for a race that month(maybe that one). I've never volunteered for a race before and I always appreciate all the volunteers when I'm at these races so it's time to give back some time to help out a race.
Have you ever volunteered for a race? What was your experience like?
Have a great day and......Keep Running!
Feb 20, 2011
Warrior Dash
11 miles for the long run today. I have not run that long is quite some time It actually went pretty good. I really slowed things down today trying to listen to what Mr. Higdon says. 9:13 average pace. It was also nice outside(but cold) so the weather cooperated - not much wind and no rain/snow.
I just found out that the Warrior Dash is coming to Michigan. It's probably about an hour and 15 minutes away but certainly close enough to go. I guess you would not really call it a race. I would call it a race/obstacle course for crazy people!!!! This thing looks incredible. It is a little pricey at $50 but there is quite a bit of set up for this thing so I can understand the cost.
The race is 3.3 miles and you go through 10 obstacles including:
1) Junkyard Jump - jumping around old junk cars
2) Warrior Wall - go over a wooden barricade
3) Deadweight drifter - walk through waist deep water and get over logs
4) Chaotic Crossover - crawl across tangled nets
5) Arachnophobia - Thread through tangling ropes
6) Slithering Swamp - run through mucky waters
7) Walk the Plank - walk over planks(don't fall)
8) Cargo Climb - climb over cargo nets
9) Warrior Roast - jumping over fire!! Cool!
10) Muddy Mayhem - completely muddy crawl under barbed wire!
The name of the obstacles alone make you want to do this! They saved the best two for last in my opinion! Bye, bye to shoes as well since they will be full of water and mud so don't wear your new ones. I just need to find someone crazy enough to do it with me. It says that each wave of 500 goes off every 30 minutes. They are almost full for Saturday so that means there is over 9,000 people already signed up but there is also openings for Sunday as well.
It looks really crazy from the video and pictures and would be lots of fun but really only with other people.
Has anyone done this race before and can give me your opinions of it?
Would you do the race if it came into your area or do you like to stay clean?
Have a great day and......Keep Running!!!!
I just found out that the Warrior Dash is coming to Michigan. It's probably about an hour and 15 minutes away but certainly close enough to go. I guess you would not really call it a race. I would call it a race/obstacle course for crazy people!!!! This thing looks incredible. It is a little pricey at $50 but there is quite a bit of set up for this thing so I can understand the cost.
The race is 3.3 miles and you go through 10 obstacles including:
1) Junkyard Jump - jumping around old junk cars
2) Warrior Wall - go over a wooden barricade
3) Deadweight drifter - walk through waist deep water and get over logs
4) Chaotic Crossover - crawl across tangled nets
5) Arachnophobia - Thread through tangling ropes
6) Slithering Swamp - run through mucky waters
7) Walk the Plank - walk over planks(don't fall)
8) Cargo Climb - climb over cargo nets
9) Warrior Roast - jumping over fire!! Cool!
10) Muddy Mayhem - completely muddy crawl under barbed wire!
The name of the obstacles alone make you want to do this! They saved the best two for last in my opinion! Bye, bye to shoes as well since they will be full of water and mud so don't wear your new ones. I just need to find someone crazy enough to do it with me. It says that each wave of 500 goes off every 30 minutes. They are almost full for Saturday so that means there is over 9,000 people already signed up but there is also openings for Sunday as well.
It looks really crazy from the video and pictures and would be lots of fun but really only with other people.
Has anyone done this race before and can give me your opinions of it?
Would you do the race if it came into your area or do you like to stay clean?
Have a great day and......Keep Running!!!!
Feb 19, 2011
Re-design of my Blog - What do you think?
I borrowed a new template to update the blog. I was growing tired of the plain old blog format and found this one online. I really like it.
Please, give me your thoughts. I wish I knew how to program on the blog to customize it and could probably learn but really do not want to take the time to learn.
Have a great day and.....Keep Running!
Please, give me your thoughts. I wish I knew how to program on the blog to customize it and could probably learn but really do not want to take the time to learn.
Have a great day and.....Keep Running!
I've gotta have more Cowbell
Love this video. Love hearing cowbell's when at races!!! Check it out: Click Here
Rest Day today.
Have a great day and.....Keep Running!
Rest Day today.
Have a great day and.....Keep Running!
Feb 18, 2011
Corktown - the race my heart is at
No rest day today. Did six miles outside this morning in the much milder weather. That damn wind was something fierce - really slowed me down. I decided to run today so I could rest on Saturday and be ready for my 11 mile long run on Sunday. I'm actually thinking of changing my rest day to Saturday permanently so I have that day of rest before the long run. I just feel so much better running that long run when I've rested the day before.
Yesterday I decided to sign up for the Detroit Corktown 5k. Check it out here. This is the only 5k I have on my schedule this year but it's a great one. Now, I don't typically like running huge races(and this is a huge one) I also really enjoy longer races normally as well. But - there will probably be over 5,000 people which is big for a 5k but I really like the race for the following reasons.
1. It was the very first race I have ever done(and my goal is to run it every year until I can't run anymore or it doesn't exist anymore)
2. The crowd is really a fun crowd with lots of costumes
3. The spectators are awesome - beer offers, food offers and lots of support cheering
4. Where it's at - Detroit - I do loving running in Detroit. It's not the most scenic route but it's an area with lots of history behind it.
5. We get to drink FREE beer after the race. Now I won't promise I will actually do that but it's a cool gesture.
6. It's right before the St. Patrick's day parade. Last year I did not stay for it because it was cold and raining(except for the race believe it or not) It rained all before and after the race so we left but I wouldn't mind staying to see the parade this year.
7. It's only $25 and you get a cool tech shirt - I use last years all the time and will likely run in it this year.
8. It was not only my first race ever but the first race my family came to see me at - they won't be there this time but that's Ok, I don't expect them to come to most. Actually they will likely only go to one this year and that's my marathon. Frankly, I can't imagine sitting around waiting 4-5 hours for someone to finish running - pretty boring.
9. I get to run this year with a woman I know that I helped inspire and get her into running. She's having her family come down to watch her with her kids coming to their first race. How exciting for her!!!!!
10. Finally, the temperature is usually in the 40's which will be perfect for racing!
Have a great day and.......Keep running!!!!
Yesterday I decided to sign up for the Detroit Corktown 5k. Check it out here. This is the only 5k I have on my schedule this year but it's a great one. Now, I don't typically like running huge races(and this is a huge one) I also really enjoy longer races normally as well. But - there will probably be over 5,000 people which is big for a 5k but I really like the race for the following reasons.
1. It was the very first race I have ever done(and my goal is to run it every year until I can't run anymore or it doesn't exist anymore)
2. The crowd is really a fun crowd with lots of costumes
3. The spectators are awesome - beer offers, food offers and lots of support cheering
4. Where it's at - Detroit - I do loving running in Detroit. It's not the most scenic route but it's an area with lots of history behind it.
5. We get to drink FREE beer after the race. Now I won't promise I will actually do that but it's a cool gesture.
6. It's right before the St. Patrick's day parade. Last year I did not stay for it because it was cold and raining(except for the race believe it or not) It rained all before and after the race so we left but I wouldn't mind staying to see the parade this year.
7. It's only $25 and you get a cool tech shirt - I use last years all the time and will likely run in it this year.
8. It was not only my first race ever but the first race my family came to see me at - they won't be there this time but that's Ok, I don't expect them to come to most. Actually they will likely only go to one this year and that's my marathon. Frankly, I can't imagine sitting around waiting 4-5 hours for someone to finish running - pretty boring.
9. I get to run this year with a woman I know that I helped inspire and get her into running. She's having her family come down to watch her with her kids coming to their first race. How exciting for her!!!!!
10. Finally, the temperature is usually in the 40's which will be perfect for racing!
Have a great day and.......Keep running!!!!
Feb 17, 2011
New BQ times! - Forgetaboutit
Check out this article - Click HERE
Ok, it's official, I'll never have a chance to run in the Boston Marathon with these new times. Oh well, I guess I'll have to choose one of the other 100,000 marathons to run. All kidding aside. I would really love to run Boston someday but it's unlikely that I will ever have the speed to run a 3:15 marathon. Perhaps when I'm 65 or 70 and I still have a little speed left, I might have a chance. Running a 7:26 mile for 26.2 miles - never going to happen. I don't disagree with the changes - they want the best to run in it and I think that's only fair.
I'm going to start the new "I can't qualify for Boston Marathon, Marathon" in Boston. I bet it would be a sellout.
What are your thoughts about the changes - especially those that have run it?
Have a great day and.......Keep Running!!!
Ok, it's official, I'll never have a chance to run in the Boston Marathon with these new times. Oh well, I guess I'll have to choose one of the other 100,000 marathons to run. All kidding aside. I would really love to run Boston someday but it's unlikely that I will ever have the speed to run a 3:15 marathon. Perhaps when I'm 65 or 70 and I still have a little speed left, I might have a chance. Running a 7:26 mile for 26.2 miles - never going to happen. I don't disagree with the changes - they want the best to run in it and I think that's only fair.
I'm going to start the new "I can't qualify for Boston Marathon, Marathon" in Boston. I bet it would be a sellout.
What are your thoughts about the changes - especially those that have run it?
Have a great day and.......Keep Running!!!
Feb 16, 2011
Thank you Hal Higdon
Today I did 6 miles. I'm in my fourth week of 18 of marathon training in the Hal Higdon Intermediate plan. So far, things seem to be going fairly well so thank you Mr. Higdon! 29 miles on the schedule for this week.
Although today I really was feeling sluggish but that was probably because it was cold and raining out when I ran. Its funny but because I run in the dark, it's difficult to tell sometimes when it is raining. I was running along about 2 miles in of my run in the dark when I came upon a street that was really lit up well. Right then I could really see how much it was raining. I could tell it was raining because it was hitting my face but did not realize how much until I saw it in the light. Probably a good thing I did not see it when I started because I might have turned around and ran on the treadmill otherwise. By then, I figured I might as well finish. Plus it's good training in case I have to run in the rain for my half coming up in five weeks.
I'm really excited to run this half marathon because it's for a great cause(CF) and because we get to run around an island so the views should be fantastic. I think they are up to about 250 runners. It's also an inaugural event which I think is really cool as well. It's a little far from my home but I can't wait. My plan is to NOT race it but just use it as a training run.
I'm also thinking of running a 5k called Corktown 5k which is located where else? Corktown in Detroit. This was my first 5k I ever ran last year so I am considering running it again due to the sentimental feelings of being my first 5k. My only issue is that it's a week before my half marathon and while I have seven miles on the schedule that day, I'd really need to be careful not to go full out which is hard for me on a 5k. I just want to do my best. This would also be the only 5k I currently have scheduled for the year too.
Anyone have a big race coming up in the next month? Which race are you doing?
Have a great day and......Keep Running!!!!!
Although today I really was feeling sluggish but that was probably because it was cold and raining out when I ran. Its funny but because I run in the dark, it's difficult to tell sometimes when it is raining. I was running along about 2 miles in of my run in the dark when I came upon a street that was really lit up well. Right then I could really see how much it was raining. I could tell it was raining because it was hitting my face but did not realize how much until I saw it in the light. Probably a good thing I did not see it when I started because I might have turned around and ran on the treadmill otherwise. By then, I figured I might as well finish. Plus it's good training in case I have to run in the rain for my half coming up in five weeks.
I'm really excited to run this half marathon because it's for a great cause(CF) and because we get to run around an island so the views should be fantastic. I think they are up to about 250 runners. It's also an inaugural event which I think is really cool as well. It's a little far from my home but I can't wait. My plan is to NOT race it but just use it as a training run.
I'm also thinking of running a 5k called Corktown 5k which is located where else? Corktown in Detroit. This was my first 5k I ever ran last year so I am considering running it again due to the sentimental feelings of being my first 5k. My only issue is that it's a week before my half marathon and while I have seven miles on the schedule that day, I'd really need to be careful not to go full out which is hard for me on a 5k. I just want to do my best. This would also be the only 5k I currently have scheduled for the year too.
Anyone have a big race coming up in the next month? Which race are you doing?
Have a great day and......Keep Running!!!!!
Feb 15, 2011
Vacation run?
I did my regular three miler this morning. It felt good to run somewhere familiar and just run without thinking.
Do you run while on vacation? We are planning a summer vacation and I am debating about running during it. We are thinking a drive out to Maine and stops in Hershey, PA; Boston, MA, New York, NY and Kennebunk, ME. All seem like great places to run and I would hate to miss out on running in them but trying to be respectful of family time on vacation also. I used to get up early and run but it woke everyone up so that doesn't work out well. Our alternative is Myrtle Beach which is probably nice for running but I"m not so sure about that in the summer. Thinking about just taking off a week of running or just run once or twice.
Have a great day and.....Keep Running!!!!
Do you run while on vacation? We are planning a summer vacation and I am debating about running during it. We are thinking a drive out to Maine and stops in Hershey, PA; Boston, MA, New York, NY and Kennebunk, ME. All seem like great places to run and I would hate to miss out on running in them but trying to be respectful of family time on vacation also. I used to get up early and run but it woke everyone up so that doesn't work out well. Our alternative is Myrtle Beach which is probably nice for running but I"m not so sure about that in the summer. Thinking about just taking off a week of running or just run once or twice.
Have a great day and.....Keep Running!!!!
Feb 14, 2011
Virtual 5k Update - calling all runners from WA, ID, MT, ND, SD, WY, UT, CO, NM, OK, AR, IN, KY, WV, SC, AL, FL, AK & HI - we need you for my race!
Hi everyone:
Today was my cross training day so I did 10 miles on the bike.
An update to the "I just felt like running Virtual 5k":
We are now up to 52 people from the following states and countries:
Malaysia 1
Italy 1
South Africa 1
I personally think we have a great turn out so far and good coverage of the USA. Do you know anyone that would like to join our race from those states, please forward them to my blog.
If you are interested in running this, please let me know. Here's the brochure again:
I also have the following prizes already committed for the 5k:
1) Two SPIbelt's
2) Two $15 coupon's for Road ID's
3) An "Extreme Running" book
If you are interested in joining, please leave your comment here. I will also require that you become a follower of my blog but that's it! It will be here before we know it! Also, please look for my review of both the SPIbelt and Road ID which I offered to do if they donated some prizes. The sponsors were very generous, in my opinion, and plus I love their products.
Have a great day and.....Keep Running!!!!!
Today was my cross training day so I did 10 miles on the bike.
An update to the "I just felt like running Virtual 5k":
We are now up to 52 people from the following states and countries:
Malaysia 1
Italy 1
South Africa 1
I personally think we have a great turn out so far and good coverage of the USA. Do you know anyone that would like to join our race from those states, please forward them to my blog.
If you are interested in running this, please let me know. Here's the brochure again:
1) Two SPIbelt's
2) Two $15 coupon's for Road ID's
3) An "Extreme Running" book
If you are interested in joining, please leave your comment here. I will also require that you become a follower of my blog but that's it! It will be here before we know it! Also, please look for my review of both the SPIbelt and Road ID which I offered to do if they donated some prizes. The sponsors were very generous, in my opinion, and plus I love their products.
Have a great day and.....Keep Running!!!!!
Feb 13, 2011
Glad to be back in Detroit!
You would think with us getting a little snow this morning that I would rather stay in Pittsburgh(since they had like no snow) but I'm glad to be back in Detroit.
This morning I did six miles at Stoney Creek. I'm really making an effort to get there for every long run going forward. We'll see if that works out.
I really wanted to do a race in February but cannot seem to find one that fits my schedule. What do you do when you want to run a 5k but you need to do 8 miles that day? I just can't see running the 5k, getting home and then running another 5 miles. Starting in March, I'm pretty much on schedule for races and my runs so it should work out.
Have a great day everyone and.....Keep Running!
This morning I did six miles at Stoney Creek. I'm really making an effort to get there for every long run going forward. We'll see if that works out.
I really wanted to do a race in February but cannot seem to find one that fits my schedule. What do you do when you want to run a 5k but you need to do 8 miles that day? I just can't see running the 5k, getting home and then running another 5 miles. Starting in March, I'm pretty much on schedule for races and my runs so it should work out.
Have a great day everyone and.....Keep Running!
Feb 12, 2011
What a week in Pictures!
Well I survived the week in Pittsburgh. Here are the pictures from my run and from my hotel room. Hope you enjoy them.
I hope you enjoyed the pictures.
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A book in my room I also ran across this bridge |
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Here's an overview of the city |
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Pic out my room |
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PNC Park; next to the hotel and on my run |
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Pic of skyline downtown while running |
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Another downtown picture |
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Casino Building while running |
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Mt. Washington while Running |
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Casino Building while running |
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Heinz Field while running |
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Carnegie Museum while running |
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Heinz Field while running |
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Heinz field while running |
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Officers Memorial while running |
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Skyline will running |
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Jerome Bettis restaurant while running I also ate there; great food |
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Statue by PNC Park |
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Skyline by PNC Park |
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Right field at PNC Park |
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Famous Bridge I ran across many times |
Have a great day and.....Keep Running!!!!
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