5 miles on the schedule today. Probably one of my coldest runs this year. Crazy cold! I'm taking off the next couple days to rest up for the Rock CF half marathon. See below if you want to join me.
2013 race medal |
Just a quick reminder that online registration for the Third Annual Rock CF Half Marathon will close on Friday, March 22 at Noon EST. Why? Because the race is this Sunday!!!!!
If you are still interested in running this great event, sign up now
HERE and join me. It's guaranteed to be a great time.
Personally, I'm looking forward to those cookies after the race and that sweet medal above.
If you cannot make it, look for my full race review after the race.
Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!
I'll have to add this one to my calendar for next year. I can see Grosse Ile from my house.