Well, well, I'm still at it. Three weeks down and 15 to go! I've still been struggling with my knee but it's getting better and better everyday and I'm adding miles too. I'm still on schedule and completed all five runs this week for 30 miles.
The calendar |
I'm happy with the results for the week and that I've been able to keep running on trails and hills. Ended up with 1,355 in elevation for the week. I switched out my longer mid week run for Tuesday and did a couple 3 milers in a row. Only three miles on the cement this week as I'm trying to keep at least one run on cement since I've got Bayshore Half coming up in May.
Hope your training is going well.
Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!
I hope your knee lets you get the mile in that you need to run a good race, but as you say 15 weeks to go, plenty of time to build up your long runs.