
Jun 27, 2013

Some new running stuff......

So you can never have enough running stuff, right?  Well, I got a couple new things last week when on vacation.   One I didn't even want to buy, believe it or not!!!!!

We left for Northern Michigan and just as we were passing Flint, I realized I forgot my foam roller.  For those of you that have ever had IT Band issues, you understand that a week without my foam roller would not be a good thing.  I use this thing religiously and it keeps me running.  So, the dilemma was to either turn around and waste 2 hours of driving(which I seriously considered) or buy a new one.   Of course, foam rollers are not on every corner store but luckily I remember a running store was in Flint.  I called them on the way and they had what I needed!  Well, I didn't need it but I did.  So I forked over the money for another stupid foam roller.  This one is the Pro-Tec Athletics version.

Certainly, if I had the choice I would have bought a TP Therapy Grid, especially since the grid is less money.  I like the Grid better, but this does the job and won't break down, so I sucked it up and got it.  It worked quite well over the week I used it and will probably just leave it up north so I don't have to worry about forgetting it again.

The next purchase I really did want.

Last week when I was on vacation, we visited Traverse City and went to the Running Fit location there.  I can't pass up going to a running store when it's right there, right?  They had a 50% off rack and I found a nice running jacket that was water and wind resistant and nice and thin.  My current jacket like this is starting to look really crappy looking so I got a nice deal on this new one.  It's made by my favorite shoe manufacturer, Saucony!

Can't miss me in the dark!
Even comes with a flashing light on the cuff just like my gloves
More reflections and open back to breath
Two more things to add to my running arsenal. I'll do reviews on both once I've had a chance to use them both more.


Four miles is the hot and humid weather.  The only good thing was that it was raining so it felt a little better because of it.


Have a great day and....Keep Running!!!!


  1. Love the new running items. Ya it been hot and humid here to. Suppose to cool a little this weekend. Cant wait.

  2. No foam roller means bad news for me! I like the sound of this one...I am in need of a new one and want something with a grid type surface. Love your new jacket, too!
