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Feb 10, 2011

Another great Pittsburgh run

Ran 5 this morning with 9 degrees and -4 wind chill. I thought my toes were going to fall off. I ran around PNC Park, down the riverfront, past Heinz Field, past Carnagie Museum, and past the casino. I was right across from Mt. Washington which is pretty in the dark. There sure are a lot of bridges in this town. I also took many pictures which I will share this weekend. I ran 2 miles more than usual so I'll use this as my Saturday run. I'm also going to run tomorrow 3 for today's run and take Saturday off. I figured why not run more here because I don't get a chance to.

Have a great day and.....Keep Running!!!!!


  1. I'm impressed you ran today! Those temps are SOOOO cold! Hope you warm up soon!

  2. Congrats to you again for getting out there and exploring new territories!

  3. Sounds like a fantastic run. Always nice to run past things like that. That's when I really know I made the right decision to become a runner.

  4. way to go in the cold! I broke our treadmill yesterday so it looks like I'm going to have to attempt some freezing runs for a few days too. I'm scared.

  5. Great job! Nice to get it in when you have spare time!

  6. Isn't that the area they call "three rivers"?

  7. Toes are highly over-rated. Right?? :-)

  8. Sounds like you are groovin' on Pittsburgh!

  9. great that you could find a place to run after all. running in new locations makes it much more fun and exciting in my opinion!
